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Little Miss Grubby Toes Steps on a Bee!

Learn about writing a children’s book!

Childrens Activities

"Little Miss Grubby Toes tries to be a good girl, but when she doesn't obey her parents, she gets herself in trouble! One day, her mother warns her to keep her shoes on outside, because the bees are out collecting nectar. But Little Miss Grubby Toes loves to run around barefoot! She starts playing and ignores her mother's warning. What do YOU think will happen?"

Author Eddie Price is renowned for his energetic, educational school visits. Let Eddie bring his award-winning teaching style to your classroom! He combines his talents with safety personnel in your community to present an entertaining lesson that could save lives.

Mark Wayne Adams is a nationally-renowned, award-winning illustrator. He has illustrated over thirty children's books.

Published by Millers Mill Publishing.


Little Miss Grubby Toes Steps on a Bee! won the 2015 Mom's Choice Gold Award in the book category of "Values and Life Lessons."


It was also endorsed by the Kentucky Beekeepers Association and featured in "Bee Lines," the state Apiarist newsletter. http://www.kyagr.com/statevet/documents/BEELINES-MAY-2015.pdf (Scroll to page 3.)

It has received five-star reviews at Readers' Favorite and on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Little-Miss-Grubby-Toes-Steps/dp/1596160268/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=16E1W0JX1E3WNRHRH5M7


Educational Program

Eddie Price's educational program entails a reading of the book (either from the hard copy to individual classes or from a projector screen in the case of assemblies.) Then Price leads students in a song to "wake up" Little Miss Grubby Toes. She meets the students and it is very apparent that she is not a happy camper--she is definitely down on bees! After she sings a few verses about bees, Price shifts to a PowerPoint program on the good things that bees do for people. Ideally Price hopes that the host school will have a local beekeeper to share their knowledge on how bees work for us.

This is the first book (in a planned series of eight books) for children.

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Little Miss Grubby Toes Steps on a Bee! has been included in the Renaissance Learning "Accelerated Readers (AR) Program."


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